If you happen to be living on a budget, counting the pennies or living frugally you might assume that booking a vacation is out of the question. However, it is very possible to save money and still afford to travel – even on a shoe string budget.

Booking a holiday needn’t be an expensive outgoing when you use the tools that are available to you to find the cheapest flights, hotels or package deals. Usually the best source of affordable vacations are known as aggregators – or companies and websites whose sole raison d’etre is to turn a profit from referring you as a customer to a travel service provider. Sites like skyscanner.net and kayak.com will do all the legwork for you; all you need to do is enter your preferred departure and destination airports, select your dates and they will scour the internet for the cheapest flights which match your search criteria. After that all you need to do is book!

The same approach can be taken for all sorts of other purchases to help you spend more thriftily – there are aggregators for broadband providers, cable TV providers and even mobile phone contracts.

Another helpful tip for booking a vacation is to go via a cashback website. Companies such as topcashback.com or extrabux.com will typically pay you a percentage of the price of your booking with a travel service provider if you are referred directly by them. Visiting the cashback site and clicking on links through to airlines or hotels you may be able to recoup some of the cost of your holiday – just by visiting a website. It is really that simple!

Owen Bush

Please note: Harrow Financial has no affiliation with any of the aforementioned websites, they are included as examples of websites and you should be sure that they are safe and secure before using them.

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